I am a huge fan of purple and love coloured hair. Now I have coloured my hair a few times before. I had the tips of my hair dyed purple, the underneath dyed peacock (Blue, Purple and Green) and then had it dyed back to its regular root colour. However I am REALLY falling in love with the idea of doing my whole head purple.

So Ive been looking at many pictures of how I could style it and looking at the actual shade of purple I like. There is only one thing I’m really worried about, if I dye my hair all purple the colour will leak because it isn’t a permanent colour. This worries me because in the past my shoulders have been purple and some of my shirts were stained. I know how to deal with this now after coping with it a few times, but it still worries me. Either way I still hope I will have both the courage AND the money to do this.

Now the styles I could choose from. (I’ll save the best for last) I’m thinking I should almost what till my hair grows a bit longer. I also notice that no matter how much I love lighter colours the darker ones always go better with my skin. so I love the way this one was done in the dark plumb colour.


  The second idea I love, even though I know it won’t work on my hair, is a beautiful lavender colour. Its so simple and light and just looks cheerful to me. I would think if my hair was ever that colour that I would wear a lavender scented perfume to go with it. That way when you flip your hair people see the lavender colour and smell the flower.


  Now for my favourite idea! Ombre purple hair. I LOVE the idea of fading my purple from almost black (or close to my root colour so my roots don’t look too bad growing in) to a lovely lavender colour at the tips (probably work on the tips of my hair). Now the colour in the image I’m showing is too pink for my tastes i’d like it to have a bit more blue in it, but the picture shows the idea perfectly.


  All I need to do now is get this done! I would try to do this myself, to save some money, but I know I would mess it up. I think going to a salon would be the best idea in the long run. The salon will get the ombre right and when the colour washes out it is easier to put the colour back in or I could leave it, but why would I do that. When I had the tips of my hair done at the salon the product lasted about 2 1/2 months before washing out and when the tips were blonde again I just bought some purple hair dye at Save-On-Foods (The brand was Punky Colour) for $7.99. There wasn’t a need for me to go back to the Salon when redoing the tips at home took just hardly any time, effort or money and the result was just as good and lasted just as long! Honestly I could probably go to the salon, have them ombre my hair, then do the rest on my own.

  This is deffinitely a must do.

Purple Hair!

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